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Multinational american B2B tech company.

IBM Cloud
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About IBM

IBM is a multinational technology company headquartered in the USA. IBM is one of the world's largest IT companies, with operations in over 170 countries.

I specifically worked on the Rapid Prototyping Team for 3 years, then the Client Engineering team for 1 year.

The work

On the Rapid Prototyping Team I was a full stack web developer, creating prototypes for the purpose of showcasing IBM technology to clients. This gave me the opportunity to learn how to use many of IBM's tech, including but not limited to:

- IBM Cloud

- Watson Assistant

- Watson Visual Recognition

- Watson NLU

I used Node.js, React and Typescript to bring IBM tech together and show cool use cases to clients.

On the Client Engineering team, I was a cloud engineer, focusing on helping IBM clients leverage IBM Cloud and Openshift through deploying and setting up IBM *aaS products for clients. My job here also had many similarities with the Rapid Prototyping Team, only rather than Prototypes I was creating MVPs for clients, and production level internal tools.

I also ran parts of the Digital Skills Academy (Intro to Web Development), which is an internal course IBM uses to get graduates up to speed, and ready to start creating cool stuff.